What is this Website About?
Our website sets out to provide a range of information, news, views, activities and resources about everything conservation messaging.
We present an online gallery showcasing Environmentalists and Educators being imaginative. We show new dimensions, ways of fleshing out environmental campaigns and educational lessons.
We share anything that makes sustainability contemporary, relevant, accessible, chic, shocking and newsworthy. In other words any conservation message which is memorable, inspiring and possibly even fun.
This content comes in the form of events (exhibitions, parades, competitions), stunts, flash mobs, world records, funny videos, educational material, cringeworthy cartoons, recycled art, humour….
We feature anything excessive or outside of the norm…as the message for conveying environmental communications.
And don’t forget to Like our Facebook and Instagram Pages for regular communication and content.
Converse Conserve is a site about how we talk about conservation efforts, pollution abatement and climate change. Environmentalists to some degree have changed up their styles of green conservation messaging. But the mood underpinning campaigns is still bleak.
It seems strange to use humour – yet, environmental humour can draw attention to causes effectively – when used just right.
For more examples of eco- environmental campaigns and resources – go to the Blog/Home page.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Photo Credit (Right HS) : Colin Beavan appearing as No Impact Man –
Caption: Can you save the planet without driving your family crazy?
(Click on image for link to film No Impact Man.)
“For one year, Colin Beavan, swore off plastic wastes and toxins, turned off his electricity, went organic, became a bicycle nut, and tried to save the planet from environmental catastrophe while dragging his young daughter and his Prada-wearing wife along for the ride. Together they attempted to make zero impact on the environment while living right in the heart of Manhattan, and this is the sensational, funny, and consciousness-raising story of how they did it. With No Impact Man, Beavan found that no-impact living is worthwhile–and richer, fuller, and more satisfying in the bargain. “
(End of quote from image link). Of course, from the perspective of this site, these actions are both a form of direct action and an environmental stunt, designed to create a shift in thinking. The general public are simply not going to give away their TVs, etc and give up all packaged foods and toilet paper.
But going to these extremes, No impact Man and his family highlighted how minimally invasive are the required changes we all need to make, by comparison, such as using public transport, more and consuming throw away items, and eating meat less.
The above represents the kinds of broader brush strokes that can be added to the environmental awareness canvas.
Image - Below - Rohan Chakravarty - Green Humour.com
We hope you find our website useful - or better still, inspiring, and please reach out to us via your choice of medium.
The Adaptation Message (a bit of a segue?!)
Across the world - the conversation is forming around the theme of resilience and adaptation to climate change. The global conversation has focussed more on steps we can take to mitigate and abate carbon emissions to prevent climate change (egs. consume less meat, reduce packaging, take public transport - all to reduce waste, pollution and emissions). With no Planet B, we not only have to REDUCE our footprint but also ADAPT to climate change. These goals cannot be mutually exclusive. It's the writer of this website's position that not enough is being done around the world to adapt to run-away climate change, without wanting to sound too preachey of course. So we have to be careful about the messages we use here too. Greenies have to keep adapting as well, in our campaign styles and approach as educators!
Speaking of Adaptation here is an article on the Daylighting of the Tibbett’s Brook to restore the New York river system that was buried, and adapt to the realities of Climate Change and flooding events.